Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy February 29th!

Actually it should just be happy everyday...not just select days.

Even though it is kinda cool that today only happens once every four years.

In four years, I'll no longer be posting in this blog...

there will be something more interesting than the Internet..I hope.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Ha ha,
every time my family decides to go up north I always pack way to much to do because I'm usually very bored.
This time was like completely different.
I brought a friend which created like so many other things to do.
We ended up going to a museum(Oh, was that fun), (what is known as) a mall and then we stuck temp. tattoos all over ourselves.

ha ha. I learned how to bowl on Wii and I tried on like every pair of sunglasses at Claire's

Cookies and Cream!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I love the way that everyone treats each other.

It's like we expect everyone to have some sort of super power. Like people should just be able to do everything, and if they can't then they become ignored or hated.

A few of the people I know do that way to much.
It just leaves people feeling like dirt.

I know that I have probably done this to people...even though I try my very best not to.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

People are not kidding when they say time goes by way to fast.

It's been a whole month sense I got to see five of my favorite bands.
It feels like it was yesterday..

luckily I get to go see one of them again tomorrow.
If I choose to go,
sometimes I feel like such a horrible person...

Also the new 30 Seconds To Mars video for "A Beautiful Lie" is something that you should really go watch... Not only does it get a great point across and make you think it's also well, beautiful

Saturday, February 16, 2008

mirror: noun
1.a reflecting surface, originally of polished metal but now usually of glass with a silvery, metallic, or amalgam backing.

It's more like something that reflects and highlights your flaws.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

...even though I don't exactly love this holiday.

Oh my gosh.
Butch Walkers live Album "Leavin' the Game on Luckie Street"
is completely amazing.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


my head is in a fog,
like nothing is real,
part of me is missing.
its all a dream.
Its been like this for like 6 months now...
I dont know whats wrong with me


I hate when my friends are down.

It's like when the people that you look to, to make you enjoy life aren't enjoying it themselves... it's really puzzling,.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Today wasn't so completely horrible.

I cut off some of my hair...not to much

Sometimes change is good.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Its so frightening

It's so frightening when you look into a mirror and know that the person looking back has to guide you into your future.

Tomorrow will help determine what my whole life will be like next year.


Friday, February 1, 2008

Pretty. Odd.

From what I've heard of the album it sounds pretty good.
Hopefully it lives up to the first album...

personally I believe the band should readopt the "!"